Monday, March 12, 2007

The Night Before

It is 9:35 PM, the night before we leave, and Autumn is so excited I'm not sure she'll get any sleep tonight. We hope to leave here tomorrow morning at 9:30, and our flight leaves at 11:05. Lynn and I are pretty excited ourselves. We'll do our best to keep you posted. God Bless!


Cindy said...

I'm just wondering why there was no mention of our farewell visit last night, I think the people should know that Amber is not your only daughter.

Amber said...

To that other girl... Cindy I think her name is...
Get over it. I might as well be the only daughter, no one else cared enough to help him set up a blog so that we could know that they were all well while they were gone.

Cindy said...

Setting up a blog is nothing compared with moving to where they live in order to care for them in their advanced years like I did

Amber said...

Oh, you're in big trouble now with that "advanced years" comment. You just sealed it for me. HA! You should just be glad that dad will be half a world away from you when he reads this, because it won't be safe for you to live in the same town.

Heidi said...

Hi all,

We were just wondering how your trip went and if you are trying to catch up on your sleep. Did the heat hit you yet? We prayed for you at Bible Study tonight and we hope to have more news from you to share with the group next week. I was going to show your site at church on Sunday on the powerpoint but after the antics of the girls I better not. I had a great laugh though. It must be nice to have your daughters fighting over you for your attention. At least you know your wanted.

Love Heidi